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Version 1.17.x

Version 1.17.x includes all patches starting with 1.17.


Major update released on 08 nov 2023 - Update 17.

Steam News Post

New Features

  • A hint in the station configuration view about not getting red contracts for stations that are without a dispatcher office
  • Added hint for changes to trial contracts
  • Added offered contracts panel
  • Arrival sensor configuration view
  • Build dispatcher office narration hint on unlocking a red contracts upgrade
  • Coach Yard can dispatch individual trains as ECS
  • Departure sensor configuration view
  • Full schedule! All stations en route included in trial train schedule
  • Full schedule; Add & Remove waypoint actions to set up own route
  • Full schedule; Finished trial train indicates delayed / faster run to schedule & requests schedule modification
  • Full schedule; Trial train departs at scheduled time or after ShorterPossibleStop & commuter trial trains stop at scheduled stations only as the schedule is pre-configured
  • Particle effects when build bar is opened
  • Reuse icon in the regional train label when it is waiting for next leg train
  • Routing sensor configuration view
  • Shunting Track building added to facilitate assigning tracks to Shunting Group; target of 'Go to Shunting Group' shunting command
  • Shunting commands introduced to control stabling of regional trains and turning the locomotive around the train
  • Shunting commands mini tutorial
  • Shunting commands upgrade & Shunting Circuit building item
  • Shunting queue displayed in focus view with shunting commands placed in front of signals they command the train to
  • Stabling Sensor building added to facilitate automated assigning of shunting commands to trains requiring shunting (e. g. Reg trains during their intermissions)
  • Stabling sensor mini tutorial
  • The game mutes audio when not in focus


  • AcceptContractTask now have a subtask to adjust the Bubny's station visit's platform
  • All core Endless maps updated to be more open (part 1)
  • Background color of some buttons and checkbox made brighter for better visibility
  • Better animation at the start of offered / active contracts views
  • Building buttons on bottom bar for recently installed upgrades show animation when first shown
  • Building item texts refined
  • Changed building bottom bar visuals
  • Coach Yard Automation upgrade discarded. Coach yards are capable of automation once built.
  • Coach Yard price increased to 50000 + upkeep of 5000 per cycle introduced; it is an end-game building
  • Coach Yard stables instances of trains, not only counters. Reg train is always dispatched from CY where previous leg was stabled.
  • Configuration 'Paste all' button now copies configuration of currently edited sensor to neighbours instead of config in clipboard
  • Contract connector bends over autoblocks or tunnels en route instead of short-cutting them
  • Currently edited train has different color in Station Timeline
  • Currently edited train shown on board in contract configuration and shunting focus views
  • Improved visuals for checkbox hover states
  • Improved visuals for toggle button hover states
  • Improved visuals of station visit panels in contract planning
  • Increased size of small buttons
  • Increased targeted framerate for slow loading operations
  • Localizations (ja-JP: tutorials, ui; nl: research, tutorials, ui; no: research, tutorials, ui; zh-Hans: research, tutorials, ui)
  • Money not refunded when item grabbed and not charged when rebuilt. Refunded only when rebuild is not possible.
  • Music intensity is rewarding players that do not switch time or pause
  • Overlapping visits in the station info panel timeline are now marked to indicate a conflict
  • Renamed some columns on active contracts panel and replaced train type text with icon
  • Right mouse can be used in Focus Views to move the map without closing the view
  • Selected Train is shown in Contract configuration Views
  • Sensors mini tutorials have been updated to use the new sensor configuration focus view
  • Stabling Sensor triggers also for Com and IC trains ending in Coach Yard
  • Station Info Panels that were deliberately opened in focus view will be closed with the focus view once it get closed
  • Traffic types (Through and Oneway) renamed to just 'Green' and 'Red'
  • Train in intermission timeline: 2nd station of next leg displayed for easier decisions
  • Trial train failed narration has been updated
  • Updated hints modal to be fullscreen panel in new UI style


  • Build buttons without editable inventory amount where not shown inline with other buttons
  • Build mode could not be opened in timetable maps with inventory enabled
  • Build mode is not closeable at the beginning of the tutorial
  • Buttons on station info panels in contract adjustment focus view moved up when hovered
  • Contract connector & topology search allowed orthogonal connection to autoblocks without signals
  • Departure sensors that were saved with null connection using the old configuration method were not configurable
  • Filtering stations list in editor while in platform placing mode resulted in broken platform placing
  • First train chapter in the tutorial was failing if the time was paused before 08:00 in the previous chapter
  • If the mouse was at a ui item and you clicked something on the keyboard, the mouse clicks were not working until you move the mouse a bit
  • Jozic says gain 5 green points in for the auto accept trains upgrade while it actually costs only 3 points
  • Keybind without dedicated icons fallback text sometimes contained “Press”
  • Map item animation kept repeating when hovering mouse near edge of map
  • Middle click were opening configurations where moving map
  • Modals during story and upgrade tutorials did not hide other UI and menu button bindings would still trigger
  • Open focus view subtasks in the tutorials could be fulfilled by opening the wrong focus view
  • Opening the options menu for the first time lagged the game
  • Performance issues in contracts panel
  • Red and Green system upgrades menu pages where not lined up on the same position
  • Regional trial trains were not auto-dispatched from Coach Yard
  • Score panel is not being hidden once a victory screen is shown in the timetable
  • Sending the train in the run trial train task out of the map led to a narration to be played twice
  • Sensors were buildable at the autoblocks' end points
  • Small track pieces where barely or completely invisible when highlighted as routing destinations
  • Smart formatting was not applied in some places.
  • Story prompt to play wakefield map didnt hide UI to focus on prompt and menu button bindings could still be activated
  • Switch was not reset to track after the track was extended
  • System upgrade menu button remained highlighted when closing upgrades menu in editor
  • System upgrade menu did not open in editor when level was timetable mode
  • The subtask done marks on the board overlap with the train label and with each other
  • Tier unlocked popup referred to 'green' even if red tier was unlocked in languages with different pluralization to English
  • Time speed was capped to last time speed value even if previous value had higher value
  • Tool tip of the system upgrade button “Install first” does not actually says what should be installed first
  • Tooltips where being hidden whenever some component that also has a tooltip was destroyed
  • Train types in CY were hidden according to first loaded map / save after game start
  • Urban train was not able to enter CY before accepting or rejecting contract condition


Hotfix released on 09 Nov 2023.

New Features

  • Collect upkeep each cycle for Shunting Track and Stabling Sensor


  • Increased minimum default ui scale for smaller resolutions
  • Localizations (zh-Hans: research, tutorials, ui; no: ui)
  • Reg train Intermission now measured from arrival to departure (was: from departure to arrival), making leg's last stop and next first stop be included in intermission - their lenght now does not matter. Brings better stabling platform allocation visualization and earlier leg switch possibility.
  • Upkeep rebalanced for Shunting Circuit (1000), Shunting Track (2000), Stabling Sensor (4000) and Coach Yard (10000)


  • CycleBalance.Upkeep was not saved
  • Lists with filters were not cleared when filter was modified to unmatching string (no result expected) while the list was still being loaded


Hotfix released on 10 Nov 2023.

New Features

  • Train schedule is shown when hovering visit in station info panel timeline


  • Bigger tunnel connector sprite
  • Stock endless maps updated (more space for yards)


  • Closing contracts menu would leave black artifacts behind from station signs for a short time
  • Contracts menu did not switch to correct tab when showing specific contract
  • Edit contract keybind closed active contract focus view when different train was clicked
  • Incorrect duplicate tooltips on editor checklist items
  • Player was forced to wait for Jozic to stop talking until he can close the station panel in the auto accept trains chapter
  • Wrong sound position when station sign clicked on UI


Hotfix released on 13 Nov 2023.


  • Dock station info panel subtask in the tutorial has been removed


  • Incorrect string format for chinese localization of reuse shunting command time
  • Localized text on upcoming trains and train bottom bar was not updated directly after changing game language
  • Non bulldozable items could be bulldozed when clicking just after deselecting an item on the board in bulldoze mode
  • Subtask hint icons being displayed under the system upgrades panel
  • Subtasks hint keybinds in the system upgrade panel were confusing for the gamepad
  • Train names where not localized when loading a save with a different localization active or changing the localization in game


Skipped because it contained a critical bug.


Hotfix released on 18 Nov 2023.


  • Localizations (es: achievements, ui; nl: tutorials, ui; zh-Hans: tutorials, ui; no: ui; ru: ui)
  • Station visit info panels can no longer be dragged around in contract focus view


  • Error thrown when train was selected and new contract was accepted in focus view
  • Hovering a subtask icon leads to bad icon flickering
  • Main menu tab selection buttons where still acting on keybinds when menu was closed
  • Playing the story of Jozic with all researched pre unlocked leads to the story to get stuck
  • Positions of windows were wrongly saved for stabling rules
  • Reuse shunting command did not show up when editing stabling sensors
  • Saving a go to signal shunting command with a deleted signal leads to a NPR and breaks the load
  • Stabling sensor would still add shunting commands to train with rejected contract
  • Start / stop train button was still listening to binding after train bottom bar was hidden
  • Text in timetable completion modal had graphical artifacts
  • Train dispatched from Coach Yard in advance (as ECS) caused errors when schedule editing was attempted
  • Train shunting queue was not cleared when trains contract was rejected
  • Trains outside of endless mode did not show timeline on hover
  • Zoom to contract views were wrongly computed in some cases


Hotfix released on 27 Nov 2023.


  • All platforms and all shunting tracks in a group light up when hovering over a go to platform or shunting group command
  • Localizations (nl: tutorials)


  • Contract with locked stations could still be accepted
  • Errors thrown upon rejecting a train causing trains to stop moving and train bottom bar would still show contract info
  • Experience points cycle report broken after unlocking all tiers with cheats
  • On-board train's color was not immediately updated when rejecting a contract
  • Rush Hour might have variable traffic with the same seed across game version
  • Video for Shunting Commands upgrade was not displayed
  • Wave finish modal didnt display unlocked items correctly
  • using the modifier key to open track details failed to open configuration focus view and prevented showing configuration panels
game_versions/1.17.x.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/27 22:29 by arnstein86