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How To Play

The best way to learn how to play the game is to listen to Jozic, he will narrate a story that includes teaching you all aspects of the game. If it doesn't auto-start when you first play the game, or you skipped it and want to get back to it, start a new game on the map “Prague” or from the main menu, look for the top most menu (Maps – Current Game – Options – Add Map) select Maps, then the second set of menus (Rush Hour – Endless – Timetable – Tutorials) select Tutorials, then select Start Tutorial


If there is a specific part of the game you don't understand, the Tutorials menu also lists other key aspects of the game with a playable example of how that feature works.

 Available tutorials include:

You can also access these tutorials in the System Upgrades menu, the bottom right of the research description includes a Tutorial button.


Guides describe one particular play style of many possibles. They are offered to help how to play the game and invite to experiment beyond them

* Minimal Full Automation * Regional Trains

how_to_play.1710317161.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/13 08:06 by miso

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