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Regional trains are more challenging as they require handling during their intermission period. They bring traffic variability to a game that starts to be boring after everything is fully automated, eventually.

They may appear very tedious to cope with as they need some manual operations. This can be reduces by proper contracts selection:

  1. Choose the A-B+B-C contracts for beginning (i.e. no transfer in intermission & no need for turn-around)
  2. Have two unused platforms at B. Each platform can easily accommodate 2 intermissions per cycle, 3 if everything fits.
  3. Have A-B and B-C fully automated using the green upgrades
  4. Accept 4 such contracts, schedule them so that they use the yet unused platforms at B & can stay there for the full intermission (2n train arrives after 1st departs).
  5. Watch the intermission of first 5 trains closely & reuse them when due. May be not possible on 25× speed all the time as the time frame for reusing the train on time is pretty short.
  6. With 5 red points, install Shunting Commands. Enqueue Reuse command any time during the intermission. Now playing on 25× is possible as there is plenty of time to enqueue the command
  7. After one full cycle, RT2 is reached (4 contracts × 2 points = 8). Play 1,5 cycle more on 25× (less than 4 minutes) to gather 15 red points & install Stabling Sensor upgrade.
  8. Build Stabling Sensor on the platforms where stabling the trains & configure it to enqueue the Reuse command instead of you.
  9. Now expand somewhere else & enjoy the game. Regional Trains Stabling in Red Tier 3 is optional for any further progress (just an space-saver)
regional_trains_guide.1712435276.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/06 20:27 by arnstein86

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